Our Process
Our job is to “create and protect wealth”. That’s easy to say but how do we do it?
Our structured 6 stage advice process helps us to meet the complex needs of our clients and deliver a consistently high level of service.
1. Getting to know you
Getting to know you helps us make our strategic modeling as accurate as possible, and for that we need some more detailed background information. We capture this in a questionnaire we ask you to complete prior to our initial consultation.
2. Initial Financial Consultation
Our initial consultation has been designed to provide you with some direction as well as highlight any financial risks or opportunities that are evident from your questionnaire and our discussion. We also discuss your needs & objectives, attitude toward investment risk and the compatibility of our services.
3. Proposal
After the initial consultation, if we feel that we can add value to your affairs, we will send you a Proposal confirming the scope of our service and the initial and ongoing costs of our advice – you will have the comfort of knowing exactly how much our advice will cost, in most cases we refund 100% of any commissions received by fund managers and insurance companies. In the Proposal we will detail our preliminary thoughts and ideas in regards to the types of strategies we think may be suitable given your situation, needs and objectives.
Once you decide to proceed with our Proposal the engine room gets going to pull together the different aspects of your affairs, we directly contact each of your providers on your behalf to obtain information relating to your existing insurance policies, investments and superannuation. We put the jigsaw together to get a full picture of your financial situation – it can take a few weeks to obtain all the information from third parties.
4. Financial Plan (SOA) Presentation
We meet to present our recommendations to you within a “Financial Plan” or “Statement of Advice.” This document contains our recommended strategies, fully supported by easy to read illustrations, diagrams and independent research.
We present our recommendations, using a jargon-free explanation, and we will address all of your queries or concerns, then agree on the way forward and confirm the next steps.
5. Implement Agreed Plan
Once we have agreed on the strategy, we implement the Financial Plan on your behalf using our in-house administration & technology services and by liaising directly with product providers. To make the processes as seamless as possible, we will discuss the recommendations with your other specialists (i.e. accountant, lawyer, estate planner etc), and we will complete all necessary paperwork on your behalf. We will place investments gradually when markets look accommodating.
6. Monitoring and Reviews
Once the recommendations in your Financial Plan have been implemented, you will have comfort in knowing that your portfolio and situation will be proactively monitored throughout the year with recommendations made when opportunities arise. You will also benefit from Mint’s tailored Half-Yearly and Annual Investment and Portfolio Reviews which including portfolio and performance reporting.